10 March 2009


Do you remember that old Arby's commercial "Where's the Beef?" Well, my question is "Where's the Cash?"

I want to know how in the world, we (the Average Joe Americans) are going to REALLY pay for all the wonderful programs that our Congress and new President have put out there in the name of "help"?

"Change" was promised and they sure are delivering on that promise, I'm just not sure that this kind of change is really going to be good.

Let me just take a moment to look at this - $152 billion (Bush stimulus), $700 billion plus $783 billion (so far for Obama) and now another $480 billion up for approval, this amount of money is almost beyond comprehension. Where and how is this amount ever going to be repaid?

"Where's the Cash?" How is this all really going to be paid back? My thought on it is that those in Congress don't really care because they'll all be dead and gone by the time the real crunch hits. They just want to get there pet programs funded and if they don't jump on it now, Americans might wake up and see what is really happening and they will have lost out on the chance at their own pork portion.

Looking back just two years ago I felt that my retirement years would be comfortable. I was visualizing my husband and I having a nice comfortable house, a little money in the bank and money coming in, so as not to have to worry about living. Now, in truth, I'm a hell of a lot more worried about it. Listening to the news is pretty gloom and doom.

Over the last few weeks I've really tried to cut back on the amount of news that I listen to, watch or read because I find it quite stressful. As in, I get a specific physical response in the body that disturbs my normal physiological equilibrium. I used to just get eye twitches when I would get stressed, but now a whole new realm of aches and pains have entered the scene.

I know that I am not alone in my stress world, and I know that to get past it I'll have to stop listening to the negatives. It's hard to try to be positive, but I also know that for myself and for all of us, we have to change our own OP basis and look how to out create it.

Here's to our success in moving in new directions!

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