14 February 2009


Alright world, this is the beginning of my adventure into the world of blogging.

Gotta start off by saying that getting this blog set up hasn't been quite as easy as I let myself believe that it would be. I started at 11:00 this morning and here it is headed towards 6:00 pm and I still don't totally know what/ and how it all works. I've built a website in the past using FrontPage so I thought that I was a little familiar with html, but I'm wanting things to move and act a certain way and it just ain't happening.

Now, I do realize that part of the problem is my own lack of knowledge in this area but the part that has been driving me totally crazy is trying to work around all the security stuff that my husband has put on my computer. He is a true geek when it comes to computers and I love him dearly and I know that what he has done to protect our systems is needed but working around it sometimes is a pain in the rear end.

Not to long ago my husband was working on a friends system which had a nasty, hard to find virus which dealt with a rootkit which is malware and which consists of a program (or combination of several programs) designed to hide or obscure the fact that a system has been compromised (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootkit). It took him hours to discover this problem which came about because the friend opened an attachment in his email (tsk tsk..bad boy should know better!). I know that this friend had been warned about opening attachments within the email but now that he lost everything on his system, guess that it more real to him.

Now I want to be upset that I have all these extra challenges to using my own system because of his stupidity, but in truth, I'm glad it happened to him and not me.

Okay, so some of my final thoughts and comments (for today anyway) on this matter would be that it really really pisses me off that the few evil criminals in the world have to ruin it for so many others. Lately, I've had to deal with a criminal mind in my own space and I keep having people remind me that "what goes around comes around" and I keep saying "ya, I know" but I'd like to be there to see it happen, but I'm pretty sure that this wish isn't going to get granted.

So with that, as the sun sets, I will end off on my first blogging experience and ride off into the sunset for the day. Okay, so I'll at least get to look out the window at it and enjoy!

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Well done on getting through the learning curve and getting something posted! This is wonderful!!

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