04 May 2009


Okay, so much for blogging regularly. I guess that I didn't really get motivated to blog about my dieting because truthfully it has been pretty rollercoastering. I have days that are so perfect, then the next day will be not so perfect. It seems that the the success of it all just goes along with the success and failures of each day. Since I'm trying to take this all one day at a time it follows along with the ups and downs of each day...up and down.

I have a part-time job outside of the home and I seem to do worse on the days that I have to go into the office...to many temptations. I had this great idea to try to cut down on my intake and then on the next day the scale showed I had gained a pound. Jeez, can't seem to win.

So, I'm still plugging along day by day with all the ups and downs and I'll report back when I have the total handle on this.

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