20 February 2009

The Lilies

Aren't getting flowers from someone a wonderful thing?

I got this bouquet of lilies on Valentine's Day from my husband. This year he broke down and ordered flowers from ProFlowers.com, which is not normal for him and I really appreciate the adventure into a new realm.

Now don't get me wrong, my husband can be quite romantic. Back in our earlier years he use to send me a picture of a rose from a snapshot that he took from some garden every day. He also occasionally brings home a huge bouquet from the local florist. But to order online, sight unseen, from a company that he's never done business with before...this was new!

When I got home from work they were sitting on the front porch. When I picked up the box to take inside I noticed that it reeked of cigarette smoke. This was not a good thing and I was worried that the flowers might as well, thank goodness they didn't. However when I opened up the box I was a little bummed out because the bundle seemed a little small and lacking in comparison to the usual full bouquets I received. I know I seem to be a little petty and ungrateful here, but the way that they promote this service on the radio, I guess I was just expecting more.

So, I dutifully put them in water and set them on the table where they looked a little colorless and lonely. You know how it is when you put flowers on the table they usually seem to light up the area. Well, this day, and this bunch just didn't quite produce that same effect.

I called my husband to tell him they arrived and to thank him for them. I pretended I was thrilled, but at that point I was a little bit disappointed. Now I know that this was pretty selfish and really inconsiderate of me considering I didn't really do anything for him. I seem to be into a depression these days on the whole "I gotta give somebody something because it is that time of year" not because I WANT to but because I HAVE to. (This is a subject for a whole posting in itself). But on with the tale...

Thank you husband and forgive my ungratefulness!

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Sometimes you just gotta let the flowers do their thing in their own time!

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