20 April 2009


Okay, I made it successfully through the first week with a 4 pound weight loss. The weight loss was great, but surviving was greater. Didn't make it through the week doing totally raw, but close! I did end the week, last night, eating popcorn (another vice) but NO PEPSI! It tasted soooo good.

BUT, this morning I had such a hangover and a huge headache...felt like a steam roller made several passes across my head, and maybe even sat parked there for a few hours...not good!

I've been off packaged and processed foods for a week and I guess that my body is much happier without them because it sure did protest with putting it back in. I wondered how long it would take to detox from the years and years of abuse. Seems that eating the Phi Plus and drinking the Monavie Acai berry juice made the process a little quicker than expected.

I've had a friend pitching the Monavie Acai juice to me for months and having had years of things pitched to me and for several years now have resisted any communication whatsoever. Recently my attitude became "ya ya" whatever. Finally, because she managed to push the right button...my weight.. I told here I'd give it shot. With the first bottle I didn't really notice any difference with much except that I did notice that I wasn't as sore getting up in the mornings. She encouraged me to go for the second bottle but this time I did it with a change in the eating habits...definite difference. I certainly have more energy and am able to do without the afternoon naps now.

I'm pretty sure that this all relates together and can't give any one thing all the credit but in combination they are all working pretty darn good. I'll let you all know after another week.

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Great for you!! Can't wait to hear how the second week goes!!

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